2020 Update for SwaziServe
We are privileged to partner with Swaziserve on behalf of the underprivileged in eSwatini (formerly Swaziland) and South Africa. The needs are great. Entering into the darkness to reach these ravaged souls is a daunting task that can only be accomplished by the immeasurable grace of God.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.”
- James 1:27
John and Kay have been called back to the USA for a season, but the mission remains the same. Their ministry is continuing through their ministry partners in eSwatini and South Africa, men and women they discipled and ministered alongside during their time living in Africa, Swaziserve continues to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and in deed to those in need in southern Africa and beyond. Swaziserve is pouring especially into these key women who have significant impact on the next generation to not only change the horrific present reality of disease, poverty, abuse, and discrimination, but also to raise up godly men and women who will impact their villages, nation, and the world for God’s Kingdom. Projects include:
Bible studies for women and teen girls
children’s homes for orphans
feeding site for children
feeding program for elderly
education sponsorships
crisis pregnancy center/women’s ministry center
hygiene products and purity classes for teen girls
training women to sew and provide for themselves
chicken projects
employment assistance for a rural clinic
emergency medical and housing funds
emergency food for identified at-risk individuals
outreach to an unreached people group
discipleship, and cross-cultural relationship building
Visit their website to see how God is moving among these people as they take one step at a time towards reaching them.
Jesus Cares Ministries has had the privilege of joining with Swaziserve since its inception in 2010. Reaching out to widows, orphans and impoverished families who are devastated by disease, trauma and abuse, Swaziserve stands as a beacon of light in the very darkest regions of Swaziland. Gathering information on how to best assist Kay and John West in their endeavors, two trips were made to connect with the people and the culture. This video combines the activities of both trips especially highlighting the trip made in July 2013 by Tom, Doreen and their youngest daughter, Tiffany.